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Midtown Plaza in Downtown Saskatoon
(306) 652-8575
Dental Services
Dental Checkups
Dental Cleaning
Dental Esthetics
Dental Implants
Emergency Dental Care
Tooth Extractions
Root Canal Treatment
Kidtown at Midtown Dental
Our Dentists
Our Clinic
Dental Services
Dental Checkups
Dental Cleaning
Dental Esthetics
Dental Implants
Emergency Dental Care
Tooth Extractions
Root Canal Treatment
Kidtown at Midtown Dental
Our Dentists
Our Clinic
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(306) 652-8575
Midtown Dental Clinic
Ageing with your dentist: Your oral health needs as you move through life.
July 5, 2021
As we move through life, we experience many ups and downs, and that is true of our teeth as well.…
Two Peas In a Pod: Why Brushing and Flossing Go Hand-in-Hand
April 30, 2021
It might sound like a broken record for us to tell you that brushing and flossing your teeth is the…
Saskatoon, Why You Should Visit Your Dentist Regularly.
April 13, 2021
At Midtown Dental, we can say with certainty that the number one way our patients neglect their oral health is…
Stress & Your Teeth: How to Manage Bruxism
February 3, 2021
Your dentist can see your habits like a map on your teeth. One thing we notice a lot as dentists…
New Year, New Smile! Explore Cosmetic Dentistry
January 5, 2021
At Midtown Dental, we know that your smile is your number one asset! Cosmetic dentistry is about helping you reclaim…
How to Fix a Cavity: Our 2 Most Common Procedures
December 7, 2020
A cavity is a permanently damaged area in the hard surface of your teeth which develops tiny openings or holes.…
Build Healthy Oral Hygiene Habits at Kidtown!
November 4, 2020
At Midtown Dental, the oral hygiene of children is our specialty. The first dental visit sets the stage for healthy…
You have a cavity: what does that mean?
September 25, 2020
At Midtown Dental, we emphasize preventive care and good oral hygiene habits to prevent things like cavities, halitosis, and gum…
5 ways to help you maintain oral health between checkups
August 25, 2020
Between your dental appointments, it is imperative to consider how your habits impact your oral health.Our bodies are an interconnected…
5 Ways to Help Your Child Brush Their Teeth Daily
August 10, 2020
Good oral hygiene from infancy sets the foundation for lifelong oral health. Set your child up for a lifetime of…